Instructions for authors

Articles to the Scientia et Societas journal will be accepted in an electronic form in Word format, font Times New Roman, font size 12, single line spacing. The maximum length of the paper is 30 A4 pages including tables, graphs, footnotes, and other parts of the article.

The article should include the author’s name, including degrees and the name of the institution in which the author works professionally. If the article is the result of a project using public support for research, there should be stated the name of the provider of this support and the number and name of the project.

At the end of each original scientific paper or survey, there should be enclosed a list of references, the title of the paper in English, the abstract in English, keywords in English and JEL classification codes.

Template for download

The articles to the Scientia et Societas journal should be submited to journal system.

The peer-review process

Original scientific papers and surveys are published after an independent peer-review process. Usually, it takes one to two months depending on the character of the article. Within this time frame, every article is evaluated by two reviewers. The reviewers come from a different workplace than the author(s) of the submitted article, and they are not in conflict of interest with the peer-reviewed article. Subsequent procedure for publishing the article depends on the results of the peer-review process (approval of the article for publication, the possible publication of the article after taking into account the comments of the reviewers, or the rejection of publication of the article).